District Governor Virginia O’Reilly and Assistant Governor Sandi Ramsay met with us on November 5th to share their goals and thoughts for our District.
Assistant District Governor Sandi Ramsay introduced Virginia. She is originally from Cape Breton and has been a Rotarian since 1998. Her “home club” is Toronto East, where she has held various positions over the years. 
Some of us may have wondered about how Rotary’s “magic” theme for this year came about.  Virginia told us that when Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick witnessed a water filtration installation in the Dominican Republic once, the first time the water was turned on, the community could easily see the water being turned from brownish to clear. One of the children observing this yelled out that it was magic. This stuck with Stephanie and this is how our theme for this year came about. 
Members were asked if they had individual stories to tell about magic in their Rotary lives, stories of which they are proud. Andy Janikowski said he was proud of the contributions we have made to aiding Ukraine, particularly how fund matching can build an initial donation into a higher number.  Brenda Hellyer said she was proud of the twelve exchange students she has hosted. Who knew?  Good on you Brenda!  JJ Johnson is proud of the success the golf tournament has had. And finally Don Leslie is proud of the success of the waterfall tour, particularly this last spring, which netted $20,000. 
Virginia spoke about the PolioPlus program which supports global efforts to eradicate polio and protect children from the cruel and fatal consequences of polio. It is a signature program of the Rotary Foundation and she wants to see the Rotary Foundation continue to thrive.
She is also very keen on membership growth. She reminded us that losing some members is just a fact of life and that we need to continue factoring this into our growth targets. Virginia urged us to keep contact with members we haven’t seen for a while. 
She also promoted the need to collaborate with nearby clubs on projects that make sense to each club in the group. 
To see a video of Virginia's talk on the Picton Rotary YouTube channel click here.
Or to get to the Picton Rotary YouTube channel home page to see all videos available, click here.