Rotary Club of Picton was honoured to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for our new hospital last Thursday (Aug 1). To date, we have committed over $100,000 to Back the Build and will continue to support this important investment in our community. To date, $23 million has been raised by our community.
Pictured here is Shannon Coull, Executive Director of the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation. Shannon and her team work diligently to ensure PECMHF can fulfill the responsibilities of their fundraising programs. Shannon is also a member of the Rotary Club of Picton. Thank you Shannon for all your hard work and effort for Back the Build!
Thanks also go to Rotarians Elizabeth Crombie, Paul Massey, and Leo Finnigan who are members of the Campaign Cabinet and actively fundraise for the Back the Build campaign.
For more details about our new hospital and the people behind the scenes, go to