Suzanne Pasternak's daughter, Natasha, accepts the Paul Harris Fellow from Rotarians Andy Janikowski and Joanne Coker. The award was presented at the Regent Theatre as part of Suzanne's Celebration of Life held on April 3rd.

Paul Harris Fellow Awards for Community Service

The Rotary Club of Picton Recognition of Community Service

“Service above self”, that’s our motto. Rotarians around the world, and here in Prince Edward County engage in public service. Generosity of time and money goes into all of the club’s activities, which makes it possible for us to help individuals and community groups.
There are many non-Rotarians who share our priorities for our service to the community (eg literacy and youth) . They help with our fundraisers or help with our service projects. While not members, they work with us, side by side. They are also individuals who work on community projects we support.

One way in which the Club can recognize such individuals is by awarding our Community Partners with a Paul Harris Fellow. The Paul Harris Fellow, named after one of Rotary’s founders has been given to people from all around the world, such as Jimmy Carter and Mother Teresa. The award is Rotary’s way of recognizing our Community Partners and thank them for making the County a better place to live, so that no one is left behind.