Helping with Logistics at the Picton Vaccination Clinic
Vaccinations are of great importance to most Rotarians given that eradicating polio from the world by vaccinating people is a goal that is very close to reality. Helping with local vaccination clinics is a natural fit for Rotary Clubs and Rotarians.
The Rotary Club of Picton expressed an interest to The County of Prince Edward in supporting the vaccination clinics being held at the Rotary Club of Picton Hall in Picton.
These vaccination clinics are facilitated in partnership with Public Health, the Prince Edward Family Health Team and the County. The County subsequently reached out to service clubs to join the teamwork with a view to each service club signing up for a shift or shifts, and committing 4 volunteers to that shift. These 4 volunteers support the traffic flow of the clinic as monitors and foot/vehicular traffic control. The required personal protective equipment is provided on site. For each clinic there is a lead County staff person who is organizing the event flow and provides support to volunteers.
Members of the Rotary Club of Picton responded as volunteers.

(L to r) President John Clarke, David Mitchell, Rosalind & Don Leslie)
When people attend the Picton Vaccination Clinic in the Rotary Club of Picton Hall they will see Rotarians volunteering to help.
For more information about this program, go to https://www.pefht.ca/community-2.php